Harris Associates於1976年成立,擅長價值投資。透過Harris美國價值股票基金,發掘被市場低估,但業務持續增長及管理層一致的企業。
Investor sentiment

Trust, transparency and the quest for clarity: investor attitudes on investing

9月 26, 2017 - 2 分鐘的閱讀時間

After a decade of extremes, a majority of investors across the globe report they feel financially secure and focused on achieving long-term financial goals, but a deeper look at sentiment reveals that the scars of the global financial crisis may still run deep and many don’t know who to trust.

Asset managers have an opportunity to win the trust of investors by lifting the fog that surrounds their investment views.

  • Many investors continue to assume that index funds deliver greater risk management benefits than these products can actually deliver.
  • Investors globally believe they will need returns of 9.9% above inflation to meet their investment goals, which contrasts greatly with the 5.3% that financial professionals say is more realistic.
  • Despite high hopes for investment returns, most say they will take safety over investment performance.

Every day, individuals across the globe are presented with a seemingly endless stream of market news and often conflicting analysis from the experts.


Overall, a large majority see the value of working with a financial professional to address their concerns, saying they trust their financial professional (88%) as much as they trust themselves (87%) when making financial decisions.

Helping investors achieve greater clarity means not only delivering truly active management for fee, but also helping to raise the knowledge level among investors, and it means listening to client needs and providing strategies that address specific client goals.

For the full survey findings as well as guidance on key areas where investors need help, download the complete report.

Investing involves risk, including risk of loss. There is no guarantee that an actively managed portfolio will outperform its benchmark.
