DNCA Investments*專注於由確信度推動的投資方式。公司擁有富經驗的團隊,為私人及機構客戶開發投資產品。DNCA提供全面的基金,包括固定收益、絕對回報、多元資產、股票策略及社會責任投資。
Fixed income
Volatility is the new normal for fixed income – here’s how we manage it
DNCA’s Daniel Claringbull believes volatility is the new normal for fixed income investors and managers need to adapt.
Macro views
DNCA’s 2025 outlook
DNCA discusses the importance of diversification in this review of 2024 and outlook for 2025.
Fixed income
Introducing DNCA with CEO Eric Franc
First of our 3-part videos series with Eric Franc, CEO of DNCA, on the firm’s history and fundamental values.