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Active fixed income investments uncover yield and value opportunities while mitigating risk. Tap into Natixis Investment Managers’ expertise.
September 18, 2024
Portfolio analysis & consulting
In-depth portfolio analysis to identify and measure sources and drivers of risk and return that can be applied to asset allocation in client portfolios.
Tools of the Trade
Tap into insights, portfolio analysis techniques, and educational tools to explore trends, navigate rapidly changing markets, and uncover opportunities.
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Portfolio analysis & consulting

Analysis and insight for better portfolio construction

Portfolio analysis & consulting

Portfolio analysis and consulting are available through Natixis Investment Managers Solutions. Our consultants have evaluated more than 25,000 model portfolios submitted by financial professionals. Our robust team of 25 consultants, analysts, and specialists includes experts in portfolio construction with backgrounds in asset allocation, due diligence, quantitative research, and wealth management. Many are CFA® and CAIA® charterholders, and others hold CFP®, CIMA, Financial Risk Manager, and other financial designations.

What differentiates our team is the combination of academic rigor, sophisticated analytics, and real world experience we bring to the challenges of portfolio construction.
– Marina Gross, Co-Head Natixis Investment Managers Solutions


In today’s complex capital markets, achieving effective portfolio diversification has become increasingly challenging. The Portfolio Analysis & Consulting team provides objective risk-based analysis, insight and research that supports better portfolio construction and asset allocation. Our broad range of capabilities can be customized to your specific requirements. From model portfolio evaluations to proprietary research and insights on asset allocation, our team is committed to helping financial professionals build better portfolios for their clients.


Understand sources of risk and return: Our signature offering is the Comprehensive Portfolio Evaluation, a detailed analysis of the risk, return, and diversification aspects of model portfolios submitted by financial professionals. The report seeks to identify, quantify and explain the sources of and contribution to risk and return in a portfolio. Our portfolio analysis platform is powered by a suite of proprietary and institutional-grade technology, and the award-winning Natixis Investment Portal helps enhance the portfolio construction process through a highly interactive user experience. For clients with more complex requirements, we offer a range of custom analytics including portfolio stress testing as well as a full service consulting program.

Asset Allocation

Build better portfolios: Experienced consultants provide financial professionals with timely insights on market events and their potential impact on asset allocation and portfolio construction. We also maintain an investment committee that meets weekly to evaluate economic and capital market data and establish recommended portfolio allocations. Committee members have wide-ranging experience in multi-asset allocation, and seek to generate superior risk-adjusted returns compared to the average professionally managed moderate risk profile portfolio. The Investment Committee’s monthly positioning updates and quarterly strategic asset class outlook are available to our consulting clients.


In-depth analytics: Our research team monitors asset classes, investment products, and markets – both in real time and from a historical perspective – for areas of opportunity and risk. Analysis includes multiple levels of screening to capture the nuances particular to various asset classes and investment styles. This objective evaluation is available to financial professionals who work with our consultants. Dedicated analysts also monitor trends in asset allocation in the US and around the world, which are published periodically. The depth of our peer group portfolio database makes it possible to identify and correlate allocation trends with industry changes and capital market performance.

Investment portfolio trends

We monitor asset classes, investment products, and market activity both in real time and from a historical perspective. Trends are tracked for institutional and financial advisor portfolios and summarized in midyear and year-end reports.

Evaluate portfolios for 4 macro outlooks

Gain clarity for your allocation strategy no matter where you stand


Marina Gross
Head of Natixis Investment Managers Solutions – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Joseph Klimas, CIPM
Senior Vice President – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Jack Janasiewicz, CFA
Portfolio Manager and Lead Portfolio Strategist – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Garrett Melson, CFA
Portfolio Strategist – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Mark J. Cintolo, CFA, CAIA
Vice President, Portfolio Consultant – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Vladislav V. Grigorov, CFA
Portfolio Consultant – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Sean McDade, CFP, CAIA
Vice President, Portfolio Consultant – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Kevin McCullough, CFA
Portfolio Consultant – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Sean Kaukas, CFA
Vice President, Portfolio Consultant – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
David T. Reilly, CFA
Vice President, Portfolio Consultant – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions
Brian Kmetz, CFA, CIPM
Vice President and Portfolio Manager – Natixis Investment Managers Solutions

The Natixis Investment Committee

Established in 2015 to provide asset allocation guidance for our portfolio consultation clients. The Committee also develops capital market views and allocation recommendations for the firm's tactical model portfolios, and uses its assumptions to manage the proprietary Clarity Partners Global Moderate Portfolio.

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CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by the CFA Institute.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner™ and CFP® in the US, which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
