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Direct indexing investing strategies

A smarter way to index

Direct indexing investing strategies

Natixis Investment Managers Solutions Direct Indexing provides fully customizable separately managed accounts (SMAs) that seek to track an index before taxes and outperform it after taxes. These SMA portfolios can be customized for specific tax or other investment strategies.

Why direct indexing – 5 investor applications

Maximize tax-efficient investing

Accounts use active tax loss harvesting, selling securities that have lost value to offset taxes on capital gains.

Transition investment accounts

Accounts can accept securities in-kind to minimize the tax consequences of moving assets to a new broker or firm.

Offset future capital gains

Investment losses accrued can be carried forward to offset capital gains in future years.

Unwind concentrated positions

Accounts can accommodate existing equity positions, using investment strategies that involve selling shares gradually to minimize capital gain taxes.

Customize a portfolio

Portfolios, guided by active investment management, can prioritize or exclude specific sectors or securities to align with investor values or diversification goals.

Direct indexing SMAs are the most tax-efficient way to index


Specialized investment portfolios

Sustainable/ESG indexing

Our proprietary methodology can apply environmental, social and governance  (ESG) factors to create personalized indexes. Positive screening favors stocks with positive ESG ratings or best-in-class within sector. Negative screening excludes specific securities or sectors based on an investor's preferences.

Racial equity indexing

Designed to track the S&P 500® index reasonably closely pre-tax, but with a deliberate focus on racial equity and justice. Invests in companies that are leaders in diversity, equity and inclusion, and avoids companies that cause, contribute to, exploit or profit from racial injustice.

Want to learn more?

Call 800-862-4863 or schedule an in-person or virtual meeting.

A tax liability is the total amount of tax debt owed by an individual, corporation or other entity to a taxing authority.

Capital gain is a rise in the value of a capital asset (investment or real estate) that gives it a higher worth than the purchase price.

A portfolio tilt is an investment strategy that overweights a particular investment style.

Natixis Advisors, LLC does not provide tax advice. Please consult with your financial advisor or tax professional.

Investing involves risk, including the risk of loss.

Sustainable investing focuses on investments in companies that relate to certain sustainable development themes and demonstrate adherence to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices; therefore, a portfolio’s universe of investments may be reduced. It may sell a security when it could be disadvantageous to do so or forgo opportunities in certain companies, industries, sectors or countries. This could have a negative impact on performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor.
