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Fixed income
Active fixed income investments uncover yield and value opportunities while mitigating risk. Tap into Natixis Investment Managers’ expertise.
September 18, 2024
Portfolio analysis & consulting
In-depth portfolio analysis to identify and measure sources and drivers of risk and return that can be applied to asset allocation in client portfolios.
Tools of the Trade
Tap into insights, portfolio analysis techniques, and educational tools to explore trends, navigate rapidly changing markets, and uncover opportunities.
Diversity, inclusion, and belonging
We continually work to create an environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, and belonging in all its forms, across gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity and background.

Investment capabilities

Align your goals with active investment strategies for better outcomes.

Achieving your distinct investment goals is made easier at Natixis Investment Managers. You get a single point of access to some of the most respected asset managers across equity, fixed income, and sustainable investments – thanks to our multi-affiliate business model. These active, high-conviction investment managers and their broad range of strategies can help address your specific portfolio needs. Also, to match investors’ varying portfolio construction parameters, you’ll find many vehicle types available, including mutual funds, ETFs, separately managed accounts, model portfolios and customized solutions.

Explore a wide variety of active equity strategies across sectors, styles, and approaches to meet unique investor needs.
Fixed income
Active fixed income investments uncover yield and value opportunities while mitigating risk. Tap into Natixis Investment Managers’ expertise.
Sustainable investing
Discover a range of investment strategies aimed at generating strong performance and building a more sustainable world.
It’s time to consider cash alternatives

A better game plan for cash

The Natixis Portfolio Playbook shows you how to discuss the real risks clients face when they opt for cash investments over the markets, as well as solutions for getting them back in the game.