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September 18, 2024
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Harris | Oakmark

A consistent, high-conviction approach to value investing.

An unwavering focus on value investing drives every decision at Harris Associates, investment adviser to the Oakmark Funds, and an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, S.A. Following a consistent, high-conviction approach since it was founded in 1976, Harris has earned a reputation as a leader in value investing. 

Harris actively manages US, international and global equity strategies, as well as US fixed income strategies for investors worldwide. As patient investors who believe that the intrinsic value of an underlying business will be recognized by the market over time, they are dedicated to delivering long-term investment performance for all clients. 

We invest in businesses that are priced at substantial discounts to our estimate of intrinsic value, believing this approach provides us with a margin of safety, which reduces risk and allows for above-average returns over time”.
– Bill Nygren, Partner, CIO-US, Portfolio Manager
Harris Associates
Chicago, IL, USA
High-conviction value investing across us, international and global equity, balanced strategies and us bond strategies
US$ 98.50 Billion as of December 31, 2024
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Every portfolio manager at Harris follows the same investment process under all market conditions, believing that strict adherence to the firm’s three value tenets can reduce risk and increase returns over time.


Buy businesses at a significant discount to their estimate of intrinsic value


Invest in companies expected to grow per share value over time


Invest with management teams that think and act as owners

Research-driven investment process

Portfolios are built from the bottom up, focusing on company fundamentals to estimate intrinsic value and set buy and sell targets. Integral to Harris’ research-driven investment process, all research analysts are generalists. This approach ensures that they remain industry agnostic and focused on finding value, regardless of which industries or geographies are in favor at the moment.  Overall, the investment opportunities that make it through this rigorous process are then used to build portfolios, one investment at a time. 


Portfolios are built from the bottom up
  • High-conviction, actively managed portfolios
  • Consistent investment philosophy and disciplined research process
  • Long-term investment horizon

Assets under management (“AUM”) as of December 31, 2024. AUM, as reported, may include notional assets, assets serviced, gross assets, assets of minority-owned affiliated entities and other types of non-regulatory AUM managed or serviced by firms affiliated with Natixis Investment Managers.

The investment management subsidiaries of Natixis Investment Managers conduct any regulated activities only in and from the jurisdictions in which they are licensed or authorized. Their services and the products they manage are not available to all investors in all jurisdictions.

Natixis Distribution, LLC (Member FINRA|SIPC) is a marketing agent for the Oakmark Funds, a limited purpose broker-dealer, and the distributor of various registered investment companies for which advisory services are provided by affiliates of Natixis Investment Managers.
