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Active fixed income investments uncover yield and value opportunities while mitigating risk. Tap into Natixis Investment Managers’ expertise.
September 18, 2024
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In-depth portfolio analysis to identify and measure sources and drivers of risk and return that can be applied to asset allocation in client portfolios.
Tools of the Trade
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We continually work to create an environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, and belonging in all its forms, across gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity and background.

Nicholas J. Elward, Sr.

Senior Vice President, Head of Institutional Product and ETFs

Natixis Investment Managers – US Distribution

Nicholas J. Elward, Sr. is a Senior Vice President and Head of Institutional Product and ETFs in the Strategic Product Group at Natixis Investment Managers. He is responsible for product research and product development for a wide range of product types, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs), separately managed accounts, hedge funds and bank commingled products, and for overseeing the ETF business. Nick has nearly 30 years of investment industry experience.

Prior to joining Natixis, Nick was a vice president at State Street Global Advisors and a senior product manager in the Global Product & Marketing Group. He previously spent 14 years at Fidelity Investments working in a combination of US and international client-facing, product development and product marketing positions. His track record includes research and development that spans equity; fixed income; liquid alternatives; retirement solutions; emerging markets; global macro; infrastructure; environmental, social, and governance products; master limited partnerships; and mergers and acquisitions. Most notably, he worked to launch the ETF business for Natixis. In addition to his work in the investment industry, Nick is an adjunct professor at Endicott College in Beverly, MA, where he teaches Leadership, Product, Sales and Marketing classes in the MBA program.

Nick received his BA in political science from the College of the Holy Cross and his MBA from Northeastern University. He enjoys volunteering for charities focused on homelessness and children’s causes. He currently volunteers at the Pine Street Inn and the Home for Little Wanderers, both in Boston. He is also the co-lead of Natixis’ Healthy Minds employee resource group.
