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September 18, 2024
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Rosemary Ellis

Rosemary Ellis, CFP

Associate Portfolio Manager, Direct Indexing

Natixis Investment Managers Solutions

Rosemary Ellis is an Associate Portfolio Manager for Natixis Investment Managers Solutions. In this role, she supports the Direct Indexing efforts in the portfolio management of index-based separately managed accounts. Rosemary has 14 years of industry experience.

Prior to joining Natixis in 2016, she held positions as a senior specialist in securities operations at WHV Investments, an operations analyst in the prime brokerage middle office at Barclays Investment Bank, and an operations analyst in change management reporting at Lehman Brothers.

Rosemary holds a BA in economics and business from Lafayette College and is a CFP® certificant.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner™ and CFP® in the US, which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
