Harris Associates U.S. Value Equity fund
Uncover undervalued, growing US companies with Harris Associates, which has been focusing on value investing since 1976

Thematics Asset Management

Thematics Asset Management is a dedicated equity investor in innovative thematic strategies.

Thematics Asset Management is a dedicated equity investor in innovative thematic strategies, which include Water, Safety, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, the Subscription Economy and Wellness. It invests in a collection of markets that have the potential to grow at a rate superior to that of the broader global economy due to the long-term secular growth drivers that underpin them. It integrates ESG principles in its portfolio construction process.

Thematics Asset Management
Paris, France
Global thematic equity
US$ 3.70 Billion as of December 31, 2024
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Assets under management (“AUM”) as of December 31, 2024. AUM, as reported, may include notional assets, assets serviced, gross assets, assets of minority-owned affiliated entities and other types of non-regulatory AUM managed or serviced by firms affiliated with Natixis Investment Managers.