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Next decade investing
The seismic shifts shaping the investment landscape today, and the key trends that will continue to define investor thinking over the next ten years.
Headshot of Francois Collet from DNCA Finance
DNCA Investments

Daniel Claringbull

Global Product Manager

DNCA Finance

Daniel has 15 years of experience in financial services. He joined DNCA Finance in Paris in 2014 and has held a variety of roles in financial engineering, product development and management, as well as client portfolio management. In 2019, Daniel was appointed as Global Product Manager, with primary responsibilities as acting a conduit between sales teams, clients and investment teams.

Daniel began his career in 2007 at BNP Exane NY before moving to Bloomberg London in 2010 as a Forex and Interest Rate Derivatives Specialist. He holds a master’s degree in International Finance from the Skema Business School.

DNCA Investments

DNCA has been a conviction-driven manager for more than two decades.